Workplace wellness programs have evolved over the years, and are much more than step contests or weight loss challenges. As an HR or Benefits professional, you want your employees to be happy, [...]
The pandemic has forced many employees to work remotely, limiting their access to social interaction and previously offered on-site classes, which makes wellness more important than ever. [...]
Did you know that some insurance carriers pay companies to implement wellness programs? Before you consider paying for a wellness program using your company’s benefits budget, learn the rules for [...]
Job Satisfaction vs. Employee Engagement: Are they equal? There’s been quite a disconnect in the Human Resources industry around employee satisfaction and employee engagement. For the past decade [...]
For many employees, attending the yearly performance review ceremony may not be the most “rewarding” time. It’s usually a few people ( who may not even be the most qualified) singled out in front [...]
1.My job is stressing me out Many employees feel that their job is extremely stressful. A study by Harris Interactive found that 83 percent of Americans were stressed at work. Being in such an [...]
Starting a wellness program can be stressful especially when you don’t know where to start. A well-designed and comprehensive wellness program can definitely improve productivity, profitability [...]
Are your employees excited to come to work every day? Is office communication up-to-par? If you answered no to these questions, your organization may need a morale makeover! Employee morale is [...]
A major problem that HR managers and top level executives seem to face is keeping their employees engaged. This is partly because many employees quickly feel uninspired and challenged by their [...]
More than 1 in 3 American workers today are Millennials (adults age 18-34 in 2015), making them the largest age group in the American workforce. While they are the most educated, culturally [...]