7 Ways to Get Your Employees Excited to Work

 In Employee Engagement

A major problem that HR managers and top level executives seem to face is keeping their employees engaged.

This is partly because many employees quickly feel uninspired and challenged by their work. They eventually get bored, and end up back on the job hunt within two years! This might happen for many reasons, but usually it’s simply because they don’t feel engaged and appreciated.

So here are 7 simple employee engagement ideas that some of the high performing companies have found to be successful:

1.Find out your team’s passions

Show your team that you really care about their lives. Find out what their interests are and possibly create a social event around it. Maybe they love cooking? Do they enjoy going hiking? Maybe they’re into yoga. Learning what your team is passionate about is a great way to connect with them on a personal level.

2. Make sure your new hires get the know the whole team

Starting a new position can be intimidating and if the new hires aren’t familiar with the entire team, they’ll try to figure everything out on their own. It’s crucial for new employees to meet everyone and build relationship with the entire staff. A great way to do this is to invite the whole staff to an after work event or game night so they get bond with everyone.

3. Encourage Volunteering

A company’s social responsibility can make a huge difference  to its bottom line.  A growing number of employees are not only looking for a good salary, but they may also want to get involved in social causes that may align with their personal beliefs and values. Many workers are looking for ways to get involved in their communities, but due to work hours and other obligations, it may be extremely difficult.  A great idea is to give your employees a few hours each month to leave the office and donate some time to improving the community.

4. Have more fun

Who doesn’t love having fun? Well fun needs to be incorporated into the workplace culture.  Take a half day off to go out as a team to a new restaurant. Maybe go bowling or rock climbing, or even take a trip to an interesting museum. These types of events allow everyone to bond with others in a way that they never would inside the office. Doing this will build a stronger  community and allow the entire team to work better.

5. Create an atmosphere of enthusiasm and positive energy

People will work their best if they feel appreciated.  Start each week with a motivational quote or picture to get everyone in the proper mindset. Congratulate all accomplishments – big & small! Encourage each other to give high fives for no reason! This will boost productivity and efficiency.

6. Offer healthier options at your workplace

This is great for anyone who tends to snack on processed sugary f00d-like substances during the day. Having a community refrigerator stocked with healthy foods will make a big difference because they’ll increase satiety and energy. Eating nutritious meals and snacks have been shown to boost productivity, increase performance, and reduce the risk of chronic conditions.

7. Talk to them about their schedules

Believe it or not, your workers have lives outside of the office! This is really important because employees may be distracted and disengaged from personal issues outside of work.  Maybe someone has kids involved in sports but feel guilty about missing all of their games due to conflicting schedules. Find out what your employees do in their free time and learn about their personal obligations to potentially adjust their schedules periodically to accommodate.

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